We offer a full range of services tailored for all your smallholder needs.
Stapeley homes a specific Smallholders Club, with the aim to bring like minded people together, to learn, share knowledge and help each other out.
We hold regular, tailored made meetings to discuss a topic the group feels will be beneficial, or topical for the time of year. These are both practical, as well as informative and are either held at the practice, or at one of the members holdings.
There is a dedicated Whatsapp group where members can ask questions freely and it is also monitored by Alice, our vet who is head of the Smallholders Club, for any veterinary related questions / issues.
Other benefits of the club include vaccine sharing, discounted faecal worm egg counts and subscription to worm and fluke forecasts for your specific area.
Please see the poster attached for further information and Alice’s contact details should you wish to discuss further.